National Competitions




ME-AUMC "Egret"


ME-AUMC project is financed by MEC-PNCDI through ASR agency.


Produced entirely with composite materials, Egret is an economical, high-performance four-seat aircraft designed according to FAR/JAR 23 requirements for comfortable cross-country travel. The mould-less composite construction of the AUMC Egret makes it economical to build. The aircraft is constructed primarily out of fiberglass, foam and epoxy. Urethane foam has been used in order to form highly curved, hand-carved shapes such as the nose and wing tips. The wing cores were formed by cutting blue rigid styrofoam with a hot wire saw. Thin PVC foam sheets were used to form bulkheads and the fuselage sides. Two types of woven fiberglass provide the strength of the composite sandwich. The aircraft is powered by a Lycoming O-360 engine (180 hp). The designed loads are significantly higher than FAR 23 requirements and also the fatigue margins are higher. Contour deformation is maintained under load. It's not susceptible to thermal stress due to temperature changes.


At present, INAV owns the complete manufacturing documentation.


For more info, please contact us.